
Antiques and Collectibles for Sale

1924 Kimball Player Piano  -  Walnut finish ser # 354016.  Restored and electrified (no pumping necessary) or can also be played by pumping.  Humidity heat bar included.  Includes glass claw foot adjustable stool.


$5000 for the piano and stool,  and 301 paino rolls valued at approximately $5200 alone.


Click below for some light Christmas Music being played from this player piano


301 old and new piano rolls and movable rolling storage cabinet  -  SOLD

14 Christmas rolls plus 6 collectors rolls  1983 84-85-86 (not sold out) on Christmas decorated paper.  1984  very collectible (printed sideways due to printers error)   -  SOLD
2002 Illustrated 1st holographic collectors roll and 2003 illustrated collectors hollographic roll.  Roll's lights and snowflakes actually sparkle as roll plays.  -  SOLD

More rolls with storage units sold separately  -  SOLD



Hemmingway's Type - Corona #3 Typewriter  -  $150.00 

Depression - Pattern Glass -  $25 
Depression - Pattern Glass -  $25 
Depression - Pattern Glass -  $15 

Antique Flowered bowl  -  $25 

 Antique Clock  -  $50

 Antique cup  -  $25

Framed Molas from San Blas Island Panama  -  $40 each

Antique plate - $15

Green dress cloth body breakable face, feet and hands  -  $25


Pink Dress  -  cloth body with breakable face, feet and hands.  Goldenvale Limited Collection named "Paula"  -  $35


Minerva Doll  -  Restored 
Cloth Body  -  $40

Antique Bisque Doll  -  $20

Antique Japanese WWII doll  -   vintage movable eyes - $25

Antique nature-looking pitcher  -  $25  - SOLD

Blue ribbed opalescent lattice glass and pitcher  -  $65 - SOLD
Antique blue covered dish with glass spoon  -  $25

Old Music boxes  -  $65 for all  -  Call for details

Walt Disney Items  -  Pluto bank - SOLD GoofyGerman Plastic cup - $15 for both Pluto items

Mickey Mouse Figurine -  marked Disney SriLanka -  Band Leader  -  $20

Mickey Mouse Figuring - Biker  -  $20

Minni Mouse figurine at computer  -  $20

Micky & Minnie Xmas Ornament  -  $10  = SOLD

Annette Books  -  1960 Sierra Summer  - SOLD
and MCMLXI Desert Inn Mystery  -  $10 each

Pattern or depression glass, loop & pyramid / zipper cracker jar  -  $20
Pattern or depression footed glass bowl  -  $15 

Aluminum lamb cake mold  -  $50  -  SOLD 

My Service Star - Gold 2 cent card and Blue star pin  -  $20   -  SOLD

Ceramic drum cookie jar  -  $15

Set of 4 antique car cups produced by the Indian Historical Society
1902 Haynes-Apperson Compay - Standard model
1929 Ducenberg 5-passenger sedan
1950 Studebaker Commander Deluxe 2 dr sedan
1926 Stutz 4 passenger Victoria Coupe

$20 each

Antique Deer Pitcher possibly Bennington - $15 =  SOLD

Antique bridge set - glasses with match holder  -  $20  -  SOLD

Copper bowl  -  $10

Copper bowl  -  $20

German antiques -  Bowl from Bavaria from Oberbayern
Die Romantische Strafe  -  $15 each  Vase from Bavaria Bodensee $10
German wall hanging  -  $10   Covered glasses  -  $25

Celluloid Card box with large print cards  -  $10

English dish and tea pot  -  Lingard Webster & Co. England - $15 ea

Suzuki soprano SKE-500 recorder - $10

Hand painted magazine rack  -  $15

Indiana University Items

Jim Beam Bottle  -  $25

Indiana University Item - Kent Benson Bobblehead  -  $15  -  SOLD

Indiana University signed Bob Knight basketball  -  $40

Indiana University signed Bill Lynch football  -  $20

Indiana University souvinier and commerative bottles  -  7-up salutes Indiana Hurryin's Housiers 1976 NCAA Champions with schedule on reverse side and 1972 assembly Hall big 10 Champions and Co-champions NCAA Champion years listed  -  $15 each

Indiana University 2008 horse ornament -  $35

Indiana University 2004 hot air balloon ornament  -  $35

Best photographer in Engle

Indiana University 2009 Sleigh ornament  -  $35

Indiana University 2007 airplane ornament  -  $35

Indiana University 2005 Bell ornament - $35
(upside down)

Indiana University 2006 train ornament - $35

adjustable wooden music stand  -  $30

Antique magazine rack  -  $50  -  SOLD

Antique music storage cabinet  -  $25  -  SOLD

antique music cabinet with drawer and shelves
$150  -  SOLD

Antique maple platform rocker - $75  -  SOLD

Antiques for sale in Englewood Florida

Indiana University Collectors Items for Sale

Antique Music items

Antique player piano for sale

Player piano music rolls for sale

Antique dolls for sale

Antique lamb cake mold for sale

Photo web page by
Robert's Photography & Video Services


Experience the possibilities